
Normativity and Contingency: program

August 19, 2018

6th Conference International Society for Psychoanalysis and Philosophy (ISPP) Société International de Psychanalyse et de Philosophie (SIPP) 

Nijmegen: November 5-6, 2013 – Ghent: November 7-8, 2013 

Normativity and Contingency Philosophical and Psychoanalytical Perspectives 

Day 1: November 5th, 2013 (Radboud University Nijmegen) 

Location: Senaatszaal, Comeniuslaan

9.20 am: Opening: Prof. Dr. Hans Thijssen (Dean Faculty Philosophy, Theology and 

Religious studies, Radboud University, the Netherlands) 

9.25 am: Introduction: Prof. Dr. Philippe Van Haute (Radboud University, the Netherlands) 

9.30 am: ‘Cases and Accidents’ 

Prof. Dr. Elissa Marder, Emory University, Atlanta, US) Respondent: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo de la Fabian (University Diego Portales, Santiago de Chili, Chili) Chair: Prof. Dr. Philippe Van Haute (Radboud University, the Netherlands) 

10.45 am: Break/ coffee 

11.15 am: “Normativity: Natural Law, Positive Law and the Paternal Law” 

Prof. Dr. Ari Hirvonen (University of Helsinki, Finland) Respondent : Prof. Dr. Gilson Ianini (Federal University of Ouro Preto) Chair: Prof. Dr. Jeff Bloechl (Boston College, US) 

00.30 pm: Lunch 

2 pm: Parallel Sessions 

Location : Erasmusbuilding (Erasmusplein 1) 

Session 1 : 

 Dr. Jens De Vleminck (Ghent University, Belgium): ‘Foucault avec Kant: Archeology as Critique’  Drs. Filip Kolen (Ghent University, Belgium): ‘Objectivity: The Necessity of a Contingent Normativity’  Dr. Beatriz Santos (Radboud University, The Netherlands) : ‘Esthétique de la subversion ou contestation des normes. Questions trans* posées à la psychanalyse’ 

Chair : Dr. Chantal Bax (Radboud University) 

Session 2 : 

 Drs. Eli Noë (GPP, Belgium): ‘A terrible accident…’: Castration between Normativity and Contingency  Dr. Alice Serra (University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil) : ‘L’autre-là et la variation circonstancielle : notes sur l’analytique contingentielle araweté’ 

Chair: Prof. Dr. Philippe Van Haute 

Session 3: 

 Maria Letícia de Oliveira Reis, Luciana K. P. Salum, Roberto Propheta 

Marques, Luiz Eduardo de Vasconcelos Moreira, João Felipe G. M. S. Domiciano, Daniele Rosa Sanches (University of Sao Paolo, Brasil) ‘Meaning and Function of the notion of ‘contingency’ in Psychoanalysis and DSM’  Johan De Groef (Belgian School for Psychoanalysis): ‘Psychoanalysis and 

intellectual dissability’  Dr. Piotrek Swiatkowski (Radboud University, the Netherlands): ‘Conflict between normativity and contingency in Deleuze’s account of the phantasm in Logique du Sens’ 

Chair: Prof. Dr. C. Dunker (University of Sao Paolo, Brasil) 

4 pm: Break 

4.30-6 pm: ‘Begin Again: On Forgetting, Humor, and Repetition’ 

Dr. Jamieson Webster (New School for Social Research, New York, USA) Respondent: Dr. Kazuyuki Hara (University of Tokyo, Japan) Chair: Prof. Dr. Monique David-Ménard (Paris VII- Diderot, France) 

Day 2 : November, 6th 2013 (Radboud University Nijmegen) 

Location: Senaatszaal, Comeniuslaan 4. 

9.30 am: ‘The Concept of System in Freud’s Metapsychology’ 

Prof. Dr. Steven Miller (University of Buffalo, USA) Respondent: Prof. Dr. Claudio Oliveira (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) Chair: Dr. Piotrek Swiatkowski (Radboud University, the Netherlands) 

10.45 am: Break 

11.15 am: ‘The universalization of the lack: the normative risk of Lacanian Psychoanalysis’ Prof. Dr. Richard Simanke (Federal University of San Carlos, Brasil) Respondent: Dr. Marcus Coelen (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany) Chair: Dr. Antonio Cimino (Radboud University, the Netherlands) 

00.30 pm: lunch 

2-4 pm: ‘Hegel with Lacan: On the Other in question’ 

Prof. Dr. Richard Boothby (Loyola University, Baltimore, USA) Respondent: Dr. Herman Westerink (Radboud University, the Netherlands) Chair: Prof. Dr. Gert-Jan Vanderheiden (Radboud University) 

4 pm: Transportation to Ghent (Belgium) 

Day 3: November 7 th , 2013 (Ghent University) 

Location: Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature (KANTL), Koningstraat 18, Ghent 

Grote vergaderzaal 

9.25 am: Introduction: Prof. Dr. Gertrudis Van de Vijver (Ghent University, GPP and Idesça) 

9.30 am: “D’un aléa sexuel de la normativité juridique chez Kant (Notes sur la 

perversion comme condition quasi-transcendantale du droit)” Prof. Dr. Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc (University of Toulouse, France) Respondent: Dr. Gilles Ribault (Paris) Chair: Prof. Dr. Gertrudis Van de Vijver (Ghent University, Belgium) 

10.45 am: Break 

11.15 am: ‘Contingence de la position subjective et facultativité de la soumission au 

Significant’ (Dr. René Lew, Paris, France) ‘Das Ding hallucinée’ (Dr. Louis-Georges Papon, Lille, France) Chair: Prof. Dr. Gertrudis Van de Vijver (Ghent University, Belgium) 

00.30 pm: Lunch 

1.45 pm: Parallel Sessions 

Session 1 : Grote vergaderzaal 

 Prof. Dr. Ph. Van Haute (Radboud University) : 

‘Freud against Oedipus’  Dr. Guillerme Massara (University Minas Gerais, Bello Horizonte, Brasil): ”Contingence et destins des pulsions dans le theme freudien de l’inquietant”  Dr. Todd Kesselman (New School for Social Research, New York, USA): “Kant’s Aesthetic Normativity as a Model for Clinical Practice”  Drs. Jonathan Sholl (KU Leuven, Belgium): ‘The Social and Individual Construction of Norms’ 

Chair: Prof. Dr. Filip Geerardyn (Ghent University, Belgium) 

Session 2: Tapijtenzaal 

 Drs. A. Sims (Deakin University): ‘The ‘plasticity’ of plasticity: Some critical remarks on a tricky concept’  Drs. Arjen Kleinherenbrink (Radboud University): Schizophrenia and the ‘Leibnizian Unconscious: Reduction and Constitution in Deleuze and Guattari’  Dr. Catherine Fougeron (Paris VII): Le hasard normé, synecdoque psycho-philosophique’  Dr. Sarah-Anaïs Crevier Goulet (Paris VII) : ‘Castration, manque-à-être, perte – ou vulnérabilité? Quelques manières non- normatives de penser le renoncement à la toute-puissance’ 

Chair : Dr. Beatriz Santos (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) 

3.45 pm: Break 

4.15-5.45 pm: Panel on ‘Normativity and Contingency in psychiatric diagnosis: the 

problem of DSM’ 

 Prof. Dr. Stijn Vanheule (Ghent University, Belgium): ‘On a fundamental aberration of the DSM: decontextualization’.  Prof. Dr. Andreas De Block (KU Leuven, Belgium): ‘Why the DSM problem is an intractable problem’  Prof. Dr. Christian Dunker (University Sao Paolo, Brasil): ‘Oedipous Arawetés: why clinical structure must include totemism and 

animism’  Prof. Dr. Antonio Teixeira (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Bello Horizonte, Brasil): ‘L’A.P.A. task force et le DSM : La classe des classificateurs appartient-elle à elle-même’  Chair : Dr. Jan De Vos (Ghent University, Belgium) 

6.00-7.30 pm: Business meeting 

8.00 pm : Conference Dinner @ Club Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Ghent 

Day 4: November, 8th 2013 (Ghent University) 

9.30 am: ‘Phylogenetic Scheme and Transcendental Field: Notes on Contingency and 

Normativity in Freud’s and Lacan’s Conception of Fantasy’ Prof. Dr. Lea Silveira (Federal University of Lavras, Brasil) Respondent: Prof. Dr. Jeff Bloechl (Boston College, Boston, USA) Chair: Prof. Dr. Ariane Bazan (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) 

10.45 am: Break 

11.15 am: ‘Contingence de la pensée. Méthode de sceptique, travail de deuil’ 

Prof. Dr. Monique David-Ménard (Paris VII – Diderot, France) Respondent: Prof. Dr. Eran Dorfman (University of Tel Aviv, Israel) Chair: Prof. Dr. G. Van de Vijver (Ghent University, Belgium) 

12.30 pm: Lunch 

2 pm: ‘Guilt as an experience of time: Normativity and contingence in Freudian 

obsessional neurosis’ Prof. Dr. Vladimir Safatle, University of Sao Paolo, Brasil) Respondent: Prof. Dr. Paul Moyaert (KU Leuven, Belgium) Chair: Prof. Dr. Philippe Van Haute (Radboud University, the Netherlands) 

4 pm: End