Dear participants, To register for the SIPP conference please click HERE This will allow us to capture information of who is attending/diet/access etc. See you soon!
Nature and Its Discontents SIPP/ISSP 2025 Conference 25-27 of June 2025, University of Essex 29 of June, Freud Museum, London What drives us? Or where are we being driven towards? In times of climate catastrophe, emboldened fascism and genocides, the psychoanalytic subject comes under scrutiny as we examine its possibilities of relationality. Oftentimes, it is […]
Chères et chers collègues, Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à la discussion du livre dirigé par Monique David-Ménard et Beatriz Santos: Pulsion de Mort. destruction et créations. L’événement est organisée par Derek Humphreys (UFR IHSS) e Beatriz Santos (UFR IHSS), et aura la présènce de Monique David-Ménard (SPF – Paris), Rodrigo de la Fabián (Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago […]
Dear colleagues, We kindly ask all those who will be joining us to confirm attendance by filling this form: Also, there is some information in the file below, gathered by the organisers from Nicosia. See you soon
International Society for Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (ISPP/SIPP) University of Nicosia and University of Cyprus Limits, Frontiers, Rims, and Borders Cyprus, September 21st to 23rd, 2023 Proposal and Call for Papers After a global pandemic and a series of extensive lockdowns to control the spread of the virus COVID-19, the question of boundaries, limits, frontiers and […]
Chers membres et amis de la SIPP / ISPP, On a le plaisir de vous annoncer la discussion du livre de Antônio Teixeira, Le savoir pathologique, La psychanalyse entre le texte et le contexte. Il est paru en 2021 aux […]