Thursday – November 10th
At La Maison Française, NYU
16 Washington Mews
8:30 Coffee
8:45 Welcome Remarks
9:00 – 12:00 Sexuality in Translation
Workshop on The Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, based on the new translation of original 1905 version
9:00-10:30 Part I: Re-editing the 1905 Three Essays
Philippe Van Haute (Radboud University), Ulrike Kistner (University of Pretoria) Herman Westerink (Radboud University)
10:30-12:00 Part II: Re-reading the 1905 Three Essays
Moderator: Emily Apter.
Participants: Ben Kafka (NYU), Alexander Miller (NYU), Ann Pellegrini (NYU), Stella Sanford (Kingston)
This workshop is devoted to inviting panel presenters and audience members to engage in a dynamic re-reading/reconsideration of Freud’s Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality in light of the newly translated English edition of the 1905 original German text that is forthcoming from Verso books in 2017. The editorial team includes: Philippe Van Haute, Ulrike Kistner, and Herman Westerink. As the editors explain in their introduction, the first edition of this classic work from 1905 shows a radically different psychoanalysis from the one that we know today.
In the first part of the workshop, the editorial team of the volume will discuss how and why they decided to engage in this project and what they learned from the process. The second part of the workshop will be comprised of a panel discussion, moderated by Professor Emily Apter (NYU) and featuring speakers Stella Stanford (Kingston U); Ann Pellegrini (NYU), Alexander Miller (NYU) and Ben Kafka (psychoanalyst and NYU professor).
Three texts will be made available to participants in the workshop: 1) the editors’ prefatory note, “Translating the First Edition of Freud’s Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie”; 2) the Introduction, “Hysteria, Sexuality, and the Deconstruction of Normativity: Re-reading Freud’s 1905 edition of Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality; 3) the new translation of the 1905 text. People interested in attending the workshop are invited to register with SIPP/ISPP to get access to the texts under discussion.
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30- 3:00 Concurrent Panels1. Adventures of the Anus – 66 West 12th Street, Orozco Room A712 Violence and Tenderness – 79 Fifth Avenue, Room D1618
Jamieson Webster, moderator
Jeremy Biles (Art Institute of Chicago), Benjamin Y. Fong (Arizona State), Christie Offenbacher (NYU)
2. Violence and Tenderness – 79 Fifth Avenue, Room D1618
Jens De Vleminck, moderator
Patrick Vandermeersch (University of Groningen): The Whipped Body: Whose Body?
Andre Costa (University Sao Paulo): Body and Violence: Ruptures Between Individual and Society
Stephanie Colleta Emma Ma Koziej (Emory): In Search of Adult Erotic Tenderness
Sandrine Rose Schiller Hansen (Leuven) Clinging to the Redundant: On the Phenomenon of Habit and the Death Drive
3. The Matter of Lacan and Philosophy – 6 East 16th Street, Room 001
Kerry Moore, moderator
Lea Silveira (Federal University de Lavras): On Body, Knowledge and Truth: Referrals to Explore the Philosophical Conditions of the Possibility of Psychoanalytic Experience
Erik Bryngelsson (Södetörn University): Who are you? What is your name?
Isabelle Letellier (Stockholm University): Positions, Emotions, and Lacan—A Pre-Psychoanalytic Reading of Body, Feeling and Perceiving
66 West 12th Street, Orozco Room A712
Signed N.O. Body: Writing the Body
Patricia Gherovici (Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association)
Nelson da Silva Jr. (University Sao Paulo), respondent
66 West 12th Street, Orozco Room A712
Naming Bodies: What Can Psychoanalysis Learn from Research on Gender Violence and Feminicide
Beatriz Santos (University of Paris Diderot)
Adrienne Harris (NYU Post-Doc) respondent
6 East 16th Street, Wolff Conference Room D1103
Body of The Drives, Bodies in Politics: Anonymous or Impersonal?
Monique David-Ménard (University Paris VII) to the Philosophy Department at The New School for Social Research for the Thursday Night Colloquium
Small Dinner with Workshop Speakers and Planning Committee/Executive Board of SIPP Bacaro Restaurant—136 Division Street
Friday – November 11th
9:00–10:30 Concurrent Panels
1. Politics of Collective Bodies – 6 East 16th Street, Wolff Conference Room D1103
Vladimir Safatle, moderator
Gabriela Costardi (University Sao Paulo): Jouissance as a Political Category
Andrew Kaplan (University of Illinois): Is a Psychoanalysis of the Flesh for Anybody? (Anti-) Blackness, Civil Society, and Traversing the Fundamental Fantasy of White Supremacy
Nicholas Smith (Södetörn University): Beyond Lacan and the Jouissance of Whiteness: Towards a De-Colonial Critique of Psychoanalysis
2. The Body of the Analyst/The Body of the Patient – 6 East 16th Street, D1645
David Lichtenstein, moderator
Jason Royal (Columbia): The Problem of Theory and its Relation to Technique
Veronica Csillag (NYU): Heart to heart: Embodied Countertransference
Tiago Tavares De Lima (The New School): The Invocatory Drive and the Materiality of the Voice
3. Tense Bodies and Other Bodily Interventions – 6 East 16th Street, D704
Patricia Gherovici, moderator
Emily Breitkopf and Lucas Ballestin (The New School): Some Psychical Consequences of the (Technological) Distinction Between the Sexes
Loren Dent (The New School): From the Stressed Body to the Tense Subject
Jessica Joseph (The New School) Binding,Feminisms and the Moral Imperative of Body Acceptance
4. To Suffer Unto Death – 6 East 16th Street, D705
Evan Malater, moderatorMarcus C
esar Ricci Teshainer (Radboud University) Politics and Psychic Suffering-A Study on Agamben and Psychoanalysis
Sarah Marshall (University of Memphis) Spectral Morphologies: Conjuring Abraham and Torok to the 8eme Séance of Derrida’s The Death Penalty
Alheli de Maria Alvarado-Diaz (Columbia) Unleashing the Repressed Libido: The Deliverance of Desire in Deleuze, Guattari,and Lyotard
Robert Trumball (University of Washington)The Limits of Radical Atheism: Time and Drive in Haaglund and Johnston
6 East 16th Street – Wolff Conference Room D1103
Re-reading Freud’s Taboo on Virginity: Anhedonia, Asexuality, Anorexia
Britta Gunther (Hamburg), Elissa Marder (Emory), Jamieson Webster (The New School)
Kyoo Lee (City University of New York), respondent
1:30–3:00 Concurrent Panels
1. The Gendered Body – 6 East 16th Street, Wolff Conference Room D1103
Beatriz Santos, moderator
Jordan Osserman (University College London) Is the Phallus Uncut: Genital Ideals from Transsexuality to Foreskin Restoration
Hannah Wallerstein (Austin-Riggs) Real Gender: Identity, Loss, and the Capacity to Feel Real
Laure Westphal (University Paris Diderot) The Inscription of the Body in the Symbolic by Female Transsexualism
Sophia Frydman (Adelphi) The Fantasy of a Disabled Male Body
2. Matters of Aesthetic Experience – 6 East 16th Street, D1618
Cecilia Sjoholm, moderator
Edward F. McGushin (Stonehill College) Power, Eros and the Aesthetics of Existence in Marcuse and Foucault
Juliana Portilho (University of Sao Paulo) Homogenization in ways of Thinking and Feeling: The Subject’s Relation with the Body and with Art
Dylan Shaul (The New School) Smelling the Unconscious: Freud, Malinowski, and Derrida
Anna-Karin Selberg (Södetörn University) The Politics of Shame: Territory, Body,Machinery
3. The Body as Prosthetic God – 6 East 16th Street, D902
Guilherme Massara-Rocha, moderator
Pedro Castilho (University of Rio de Janeiro) Tattoos that make a Body for Adolescents Involved in Drug Trafficking in Brazil
Marine Arcous (University Paris Diderot) Deaf Patients who Received Cochlear Implants Towards the Construction of a “Hybrid” Unconscious Matter
Isleide Fontanelle (University Sao Paulo) Experiencing Enjoyment: The Body in Consumer Culture
4. The Matter of the Schizoanalytic Unconscious – 80 Fifth Avenue, G529
Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc, moderator
Loreline Courret (Toulouse University) Schizoanalysis and Literature: from Critico-clinical Matter to the Body in Delirious Writing
Guillaume Molin (Toulouse University) Beyond freudo-marxism: the corps-sans-organes and his social/political efficiency
Alejandro Arciniegas (Toulouse University) The ploys of the ‘weak’: gender-based vio-lence and struggle at the axiomatic level
6 East 16th Street, Wolff Conference Room D1103
Tracy McNulty (Cornell) The Body in the Procedure of the Pass +Elizabeth Rottenberg (De Paul)
Psychoanalysis and the Language of Chance
Steven Miller (Buffalo) respondent
6 East 16th Street, Wolff Conference Room D1103
Body in the Clinic
Hugo Lana (University Sao Paulo) +Pedro Ambra (University Sao Paulo/Paris Diderot) Is there Anybody Beyond Language?
Nelson da Silva Jr. (University Sao Paulo) The Mass Clinic as Neoliberal Management of Suffering
Paulo Beer (University Sao Paulo) +Mario Senhorini (University Sao Paulo) Science and Body Control
Tim Dean (University of Illinois) One Swallow Doesn’t Make a Summer
Rafael Kalaf Cossi (University Sao Paulo) There is No Sexual Duality: Man and Woman Through the Lacanian Logic
Elissa Marder (Emory), chair
Monique David-Ménard (University Paris VII), respondent
8:15 Banquet Dinner
for All Participants 60 Bayard Street — Yee Li Restaurant
Saturday – November 12th
All Events on final day will take place at 6 East 16th Street, Wolff Conference Room D1103

The La-La Showdown
A Lacan-Laplanche Debate at The Ferenczi Center
Jacques Lacan and Jean Laplanche differed over the formative role of language in un-conscious mental representation. These dif-ferences, outlined in work over many years, will be revisited in a contemporary debate on their meaning, history, and clinical signifi-cance. Does language establish the conditions for the unconscious or does the unconscious establish the conditions for language? Current interest in these two psychoanalytic thinkers suggests that much remains to be uncov-ered in these questions.
Reading Laplanche With and Against Freud
Todd Dean (St. Louis Psychoanalytic) Representing Psychic Reality Between Lacan and Laplanche
Jens de Vleminck (Ghent) The Death Instinct, Psychoanalysis’ Foreign Body? Rereading Laplanche, Rereading Freud
Jeremy Safran (The New School), moderator
Jonathan House (Columbia Psychoanalytic), respondent
Debate Overview
David Lichtenstein (Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association)
Adrienne Harris (NYU Post-Doc) + Jeremy Safran (The New School)moderators
Team Lacan
Marcus Coelen (LMU Munich)
Steven Miller (Buffalo)
Cecilia Sjöholm (Södetörn University)
Jamieson Webster (The New School)
Patricia Gherovici (Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association)
Team Laplanche
Ilka Quindeau (Frankfurt University)
Jakob Staberg (Södetörn University)
Avgi Saketopoulo (NYU Post-Doc)
Tim Dean (University of Illinois)
Adrienne Harris (NYU Post-Doc)
Body Language
Isabelle Alfandary (University Paris III)
Christian Dunker (University Sao Paulo), respondent
The Politics of Incorporation
Chiara Bottici (The New School), Vladimir Safatle (Sao Paolo Unveristy), Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc(Toulouse University), Guilherme Massara-Rocha(University Minas Gerais)
Elliot Jurist (City University of New York), respondent
Psychotic Bodies
Suely Aires (Recôncavo da Bahia University) The Matter of the Body in Psychosis
Mark Stoholski (Emory) I know that my Redeemer Liveth: Schreber and the Matter of Music
Eyal Rozmarin (NYU Post-doc) The Surplus Father and the Sacrificial Son
Marcus Coelen (LMU Munich), respondent
Business Meeting
Drinks : Fast and Fresh Burrito Deli
84 Hoyt Street in Brooklyn