
Sexuality and Its Object in Freud’s 1905 Edition of Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality

Philippe Van Haute[1] Herman Westerink[2] [This paper was published in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (2016) 97:563–589. doi: 10.1111/1745-8315.12480] Introduction Some of Freud’s crucial texts exist in different versions that were issued over a shorter or longer period of time. Most evident examples of this are The Interpretation of Dreams, The Three Essays on the […]

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Pedro Ambra Nelson da Silva Jr. Laurie Laufer ABSTRACT. Considering the challenges presented to psychoanalysis by the gender theories, the paper discusses the sexuation theory’s reformulation through the proposition, uttered by Lacan, “The sexed being is only authorized by him/herself and by some others” (Lacan, 1974, p. 187). From that enunciation, the text explores the […]

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Why Psychoanalysis in Brazil? From cultural syncretism to the collapse of liberal individualism

Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker. In Brazil, psychoanalysis received a major boost in the 1970’s, especially from theperiod of redemocratization of the country, known as abertura, only over in recent years.During the abertura process we noted the expansion of three major perspectives in Brazil:critical psychoanalysis (associated to Marxism and the Catholic left), the Englishpsychoanalysis of Klein, […]

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Questioning Identities: Philosophy in Psychoanalytic Practice – Mary Lynne Ellis & Noreen O’Connor

Face-to-face with differences in the analytical relationship analysts frequently confront the limitations of their theories. In this new book Mary Lynne Ellis and Noreen O’Connor move to the heart of 21st century intertwining of psychoanalytical and philosophical critical reflections. They highlight how philosophical perspectives on language, embodiment, time, history, and conscious/unconscious experiences can contribute to […]

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Wild Desires and Mistaken Identities: Lesbianism and Psychoanalysis – Noreen O’Connor & Joanna Ryan

This book offers the first challenging, systematic, and comprehensive survey of psychoanalytic writings on lesbians and lesbianism available in English. Based on the authors’ clinical experience as psychoanalytic psychotherapists, it offers a new and thoughtful framework that does not inevitably pathologise or universalise all lesbianism. A wide range of psychoanalytic ideas are surveyed, including Freud, […]

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Amour et Savoir : Études Lacaniennes – Kazuyuki Hara

Love and knowledge: these two words have guided me for some time in my reading of Lacan. This book presents eleven articles that demonstrate how the problematics of the intertwinement of the the two terms problem could be linked with the discussions around each theme. The texts were written at different times and for different audiences, and […]

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Y-a-t-il des psychanalystes sans culottes? Philosophie, Psychanalyse, Politique – Bernard Baas

Between philosophy and psychoanalysis, there is no correspondence, if by that we mean the harmonious accord of discourses. “Antipathy of discourse,” stated Lacan.However, if we consider the epistolary meaning of the word, we may affirm that there have been correspondences between them – correspondences that are also reciprocal questioning.  For psychoanalysts can not ignore what […]

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