The discovery of the unconscious concerns not only the history of desire and subjectivity, but also the nature and boundaries of truth. In Lacan’s hands, truth works as a kind of limit-concept between clinic and philosophy. Truth is the starting point of a psychoanalytical treatment; but it is not possible to conceive it without resorting […]
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Sexual life is made of encounters, but not all encounters create an event. When one encounter is is decisive, it means it has an element of unpredictability that constitutes itself as the power to transform a life. Not all encounters have the ability to change a life.The upheaval caused by the desire for someone who […]
This book provides a detailed examination of the historical roots of psychoanalysis from ancient Greece to the late nineteenth century, focusing on social practices that were related to the founders of psychoanalytic theory and maintained within contemporary treatment. Alongside the reconstruction of an evolutionary accumulation of healing practices, the book includes linked discussions of current […]
Jouissance et SouffrancePost-Conference Collection of EssaysClaire Nioche, Beatriz Santos, Marcus Coelen linkJouissance and suffering are an effraction that moves the psychoanalytic experience and troubles philosophy. Why? Because philosophy, prudent, has often pleaded the silencing of passions.But the paradoxes of the analytical treatment and of the symptoms, simultaneously failure and jouissance, defy virtues and philosophical categories […]
We are used to seeing the everyday as an ordinary aspect of life, something that we need to “overcome”; whereas it actually plays a crucial role in any event of our lives. This highly original book engages with a range of thinkers and texts from across the fields of phenomenology, psychoanalysis and critical theory, including […]
De nombreux penseurs du XXe siècle ont ouvert des voies pour penser des points de croisements entre phénoménologie et psychanalyse dans les champs psychanalytique, philosophique et psychiatrique. Cet ouvrage interdisciplinaire offre un panorama des recherches actuelles dans le prolongement de ces travaux. Il réunit les contributions françaises et internationales de psychiatres, psychanalystes, chercheurs en psychanalyse […]
Michel Foucault a entretenu avec la psychanalyse une liaison tumultueuse, faite d’attraction et de rejet. Fasciné par l’œuvre de Freud dans laquelle il reconnaît la rupture essentielle qu’elle représente avec la psychiatrie et la médecine de la fin du XIXe siècle, le philosophe devient, à partir des années soixante-dix, résolument critique. Dispositif disciplinaire contrôlant les […]
“Este livro é uma verdadeira festa de filologia. Dessa digna e grisalha disciplina, Cláudio Oliveira extrai o melhor: uma atenção erudita e ao mesmo tempo inventiva ao detalhe escrito assim como a convicção de que num tal detalhe não mora nem o Diabo nem Deus, mas, antes, aquela gratuita, livre, embora exigente, força de transcender […]
Em seu novo livro, o psicanalista e professor do Instituto de Psicologia da USP Christian Dunker realiza uma abordagem original sobre o mal-estar, o sofrimento e o sintoma na sociedade brasileira. Unindo teoria social e psicanálise, o autor conclui que a privatização do espaço público transforma a própria vida em formas de condomínio, com seus […]
Patricia Gherovici and Manya Steinkoler reminded me of something very important and unsettling: I have a brush with madness every night. Most of us do – when we dream. Or fall in love; or write poetry; or free-associate. Madness resides within all speaking beings and erupts in the most ordinary activities. In fact, ordinariness, rationality, […]