Jeudi 05 Avril | Thursday April 5th Université Sorbonne Nouvelle 09:00 – 09:30 : Accueil et Introduction Monique David-Ménard (ICI-Berlin – Paris Diderot) 09:30 – 11:30 : «La pulsion de mort comme ligne de partage entre psychanalyse et philosophie » Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc (Université Paris 8) Discutant : Antonio Teixeira (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) Présidé par Philippe Van Haute (Radboud University) 11:30-13:00 : « Les refus de la pulsion de mort » Table ronde avec Claire […]
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Discussions on the conceptual value of the death drive (or death drives) and its pertinence with respect to the clinic of repetition and traumas have existed since its introduction by Freud in 1920. But even those among philosophers who are prone to liken Freud’s drive theory to either the Aristotelian metaphysics of the dunamis or to the […]
Thursday – November 10thAt La Maison Française, NYU16 Washington Mews 8:30 Coffee8:45 Welcome Remarks 9:00 – 12:00 Sexuality in TranslationWorkshop on The Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, based on the new translation of original 1905 version9:00-10:30 Part I: Re-editing the 1905 Three EssaysPhilippe Van Haute (Radboud University), Ulrike Kistner (University of Pretoria) Herman Westerink (Radboud University) 10:30-12:00 Part II: […]
It is my pleasure to present you the call for papers for our 9th International Meeting. It will take place at the New School for Social Research Department of Philosophy, in NewYork, from November 10-12, 2016 and it is co-sponsored by the Ferenczi Center and Division 39 of psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association. The title of the conference is “Any Body, Anybody: The Matter of the […]