Antonio Teixeira La seule chose véritablement immoral c’est de renoncer à soi-même (Clarice Lispector : lettre adressée à sa sœur Berna, le 2 Janvier 1947)[1] « Exister est se boire sans soif », disait un jour Jean-Paul Sartre par la bouche de son personnage Mathieu. On voit nettement que la douleur d’exister dont parle Lacan, […]
Antonio Teixeira [1]Dans sa célèbre Théorie des couleurs (Farbenlehre), de 1791, Goethe s’insurgeait clairement contre l’optique mécaniste héritée de Newton. Goethe s’en prenait au modèle scientifique qui opère à travers la dissolution des qualités perceptives de la lumière, en vue d’appréhender leurs variations chromatiques à partir du calcul mathématique de la longueur d’onde. Il l’importait […]
Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker and Ian Parker Preliminary Note This paper has been published in Spanish as: Dunker, C. I. L. and Parker, I. (2008) ‘Modelos y métodos socio-críticos de la investigación cualitativa: Cuatro casos psicoanalíticos y strategias para su superación’, en Gordo López, Á. J. y Serrano, A. (comps) Estrategias y Prácticas cualitativas de […]
Jeffrey Bloechl forthcoming in in D. Goodman and M. Freeman (eds.), Psychology and the Other: A Dialogue at the Crossroad of an Emerging Field (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). The otherness of the other person and the otherness of God are only two features among the many found on what Bernhard Waldenfels has called the […]
War after Death considers forms of violence that regularly occur in actual wars but do not often factor into the stories we tell about war, which revolve invariably around killing and death. Recent history demonstrates that body counts are more necessary than ever, but the fact remains that war and death is only part of […]
This book is an original exploration of the importance in the analytical relationship of an attentiveness to lived, conscious and unconscious experiences of time in its three dimensions. It critically discusses the diverse concepts of time implied in different writings in the psychoanalytic tradition, namely those of Freud, Jung, Klein, Lacan, and Winnicott. Time in […]
Face-to-face with differences in the analytical relationship analysts frequently confront the limitations of their theories. In this new book Mary Lynne Ellis and Noreen O’Connor move to the heart of 21st century intertwining of psychoanalytical and philosophical critical reflections. They highlight how philosophical perspectives on language, embodiment, time, history, and conscious/unconscious experiences can contribute to […]
The relationship between sexuality and psychoanalysis can be described in terms of an old and stormy love affair. The same can be said about the relationship between psychoanalysis and philosophy. It is precisely this fascinating ‘love triangle’ that the present volume of essays aims to explore. A diverse group of philosophers and psychoanalysts reflected on […]
This book offers the first challenging, systematic, and comprehensive survey of psychoanalytic writings on lesbians and lesbianism available in English. Based on the authors’ clinical experience as psychoanalytic psychotherapists, it offers a new and thoughtful framework that does not inevitably pathologise or universalise all lesbianism. A wide range of psychoanalytic ideas are surveyed, including Freud, […]
Love and knowledge: these two words have guided me for some time in my reading of Lacan. This book presents eleven articles that demonstrate how the problematics of the intertwinement of the the two terms problem could be linked with the discussions around each theme. The texts were written at different times and for different audiences, and […]